Within the classroom environment, the children are taught by qualified
staff, with the aim of enabling the pupils to achieve their full potential, leading to
their graduation. There
are presently four teachers on the staff who teach over 100
students, which also includes many children from the nearby village.
Examinations are held
every three months with the main end of year examination being held in
March. All examinations are conducted internally (the national
achievement test is only conducted in selected schools).
At the end of the year graduation ceremonies are held when the graduating
boys and girls don their gowns and mortar boards and rightly feel proud of
themselves. It is then when everyone realises
what we set out
to achieve - to give the children
elementary education so that they may go on to higher education. The Rotary
Club of Clark Centennial does not stop there,
also sponsors the residents children who have graduated in
higher education, such as
nursing and IT colleges
when-ever possible.
Here, children not only learn to use the computers, but to seek information on the
internet, and use a variety of programs, including the core Microsoft products,
which are necessary in today's world. A 'computer lab' to enable the
students to undertake this was set-up late 2008.
Library support
Through donations of books and money, the center has a good fiction and
non-fiction library.
As we all know, our future lies in the hands of our children.
There are three classrooms plus a faculty room which houses the computers.
Further rooms in the main residence building house the library and a
proposed science laboratory.
The school runs a basic elementary curriculum at three levels, with two
grades within each level, so any new child can be assessed and slotted
into the appropriate level, regardless of age. Lessons begin at 7 a.m.
until 11 a.m. when all students are provided with a free meal. At noon
lessons resume and continue for a further 1½
to 2½
hours depending on the class level. Subjects taught include languages
(Filipino and English), mathematics, general sciences, religious studies,
arts and crafts.